11 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe

Get up, Stand up, Don't Give up to Learn

Hi Everyone,

I want to write in English sometimes, because some people send me mails that Google 
Translator sucks, please  publish your blog in English also. Ok then, here we go!

Yesterday evening when I was watching TV -that I rarely do this- I noticed that footballers need to develop their social skills. I will not generalize but rest of them in Turkey, unfortunately haven't educated at University. So, it causes some communication problems when they give reportage. They can't find the right words to express their feelings or opinions.
That's why, they always use the same words
If they win '' It was a tough game, we are happy to get 'three points', we present this victory to the supporters '' 
If they lose '' We are sorry, referee was wrong in his decisions, we will wait for the next game ''
If the score ties '' We could win the game, we deserved it but 'one point' is not bad ''

Except these reportages there are some fails. For example one of video from Turkey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxVvgkX0uLE
And another of them from England

After watching those videos, maybe some will feel sorry for them, but actually you shouldn't feel sorry for them. They have lots of time to learn whatever they want. The main problem for that, their life is not stable. Nothing is clear in their schedule, once they have trainings on Monday, once have not. Once they play match on Saturday, once they play on Sunday. That's why I don't want to be cruel while critisizing them. But it doesn't mean they should be lazy to learn, unfortunately, most of them think in vain to learn a new language, or to take a University diploma. Because, they are rich and they don't need to survive. If it is necessary to speak in English for them, they will hire a translator and pay for it, instead of learning and talking. This laziness causes them to lose their skills of communication and they talk nonsense when they make reportage.

Another problem of them, except laziness, they don't read enough. For example, look at actors and actresses or musicians, they are also not stable and most of them earn very well, but when you make reportage with them, you can see the difference of being cultivated.

I invite footballers to read more, learn new things except football training methods or tactics, because it is for sure that they will be regretful when they are retired.
So that, I decided to learn English while playing football, all my friends were teasing me. I had no chance to go a course and I bought some books and downloaded documents from internet and started to learn. When I had free time, I was with my books in my room. And when my friends see me with books on the bed, they were saying '' Oh, as if you would be a professor, why do you need a language? '' but now almost all of them try to learn English and ask me how I did it?

I did because I wanted. I did because I hate, people think that footballers are useless! And that's why I wanted to publish this blog, we are not useless, stop teasing us as we are. And you footballer! Get up and develop yourself, prove the world, you are not different than artists! And be a good example between footballers!

Thank you all my readers, send you a bunch of kisses...

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